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Revenue Forecast table
Revenue Forecast table

Add forecasts by month for each cost code

David Speight avatar
Written by David Speight
Updated over a week ago

If you have a Revenue Forecast table included in your financials dashboards, follow these instructions to enter the monthly forecast values against cost codes.

  1. Go to appropriate financial dashboard that contains the Revenue Forecasting Widget

  2. Click on the menu item on the top right

  3. Select Edit Cashflow Forecasting

4. Expand the summary rows by clicking on the arrow on the left

5. To enter a forecast by month, select a Forecast Start date. You can select a date for each line item (at the lowest level of detail) or enter the forecast for whole cost codes at once.

6. Select a date to start the forecast, then pick an end date by clicking on the date fields

7. You will see some new fields that relate to the start and end dates you’ve selected.

8. You can update the forecast for each month as required.

9. You can update the forecast for each month as required.

10. If you want to enter the dates for a whole cost code in one go, hover over the start date at the code code level, as follows:

11. You will see that the whole ‘Forecast Start’ column is highlighted. This will apply these start and end dates to all line items in the cost code, although you’ll have to enter the forecasts for each line item separately.

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