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Capturing Risks & Opportunities in Acuite directly
Capturing Risks & Opportunities in Acuite directly

Discover how to add new Risks & Opportunities manually in Acuite

David Speight avatar
Written by David Speight
Updated over a week ago

If your Risks & Opportunities are not automatically imported from your ERP system (e.g., Cheops, Jobpac) or synced from Excel, you can manually add them through the Acuite user interface.

Capture a new Risk

Go to your project dashboard and click the R&O module in the left panel

  • Click the Add R&O button

  • In the form that appears, enter the details you need to capture (let's say it is a Risk in our example):

    • Select Risk you want to capture

    • Enter the Risk name

    • Assign a Category (e.g. General, Cost, Time...)

    • Enter a Cause or a Description

    • Assign a Risk Owner

IMPORTANT: The Risk Owner MUST be an Acuite user and have access to the project. By assigning a risk to an Acuite user, you will send the risk directly for review.

  • Assign a Company Responsible for this risk, and a Reassessment Date

  • Specify the minimum, maximum and expected financial impact

  • Enter the likelihood and impact of the risk occuring. The risk rating will be calculated automatically.

  • Add any mitigation and/or strategy comments

  • You can also add additional information related to residual likelihood and impact of the risk

  • At last, enter the mitigation and/or strategy status

  • Once finished, click Save

Capture a new Opportunity

To add a new Opportunity, follow the same steps as described above but select Opportunity from the dropdown list.

Note: The Risk and Opportunity forms can be fully customized and can differ from each other.

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