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Acuite Release Notes

Discover the new features and updates in Acuite

David Speight avatar
Written by David Speight
Updated over 3 months ago

RELEASE 2024-49 (21 Nov)


Improvements and fixes

  • Trend Chart Widget updates: We’ve made several enhancements to the Trend Chart widget, focusing on improvements for handling multiple series. Notably, we've upgraded the filter support for HSE Events and resolved an issue with series labels, ensuring they now display correctly in more complex configurations.

  • MS Word Plugin updates:

    • Bug Fix: We’ve addressed a bug that caused errors in some situations when changing dates or refreshing reports.

    • Important Notice for MS Word (2410): Some users who have upgraded to MS Word version 2410 have reported issues with our plugin, stemming from unexpected changes in Word itself. We’ve developed a new version of the plugin that resolves this issue, but it’s not yet officially available.

      Stay tuned for more updates. In the meantime, please reach out if you are experiencing this problem.


Improvements and fixes

  • CHEOPS updates: We’ve improved our Cheops integration by adding more customization options. You can now select which fields to sync from the standard project costs table.

    Cheops Integration Mapping Fields

    Stay tuned for additional tables and mapping options coming soon.


Improvements and fixes

  • Mail/RFI updates: We’ve updated our standard Mail/RFI dashboard to now default to displaying mail that has been Sent or Received by the primary company, instead of just Sent mail as it did previously.

RELEASE 2024-48 (Nov 8)


Improvements and fixes

  • When viewing custom Audit dashboards (HSE, Quality, or Relationships), the filter options for Audit Templates now include deleted templates, as long as audits have been performed using those templates. This enables you to view audits from the past, even if the associated template has been deleted or replaced with a new version.


Improvements and fixes

  • Jobpac updates: We’ve updated our Jobpac integration for syncing Cost Detail data (e.g., Cost Codes). We now exclusively retrieve data from the BFM API module, offering improved support for syncing previous periods if needed. As a result, some of the available fields for syncing may have changed names.

    Please reach out if you need assistance with the transition.

RELEASE 2024-47 (Oct 29)


Improvements and fixes

  • We have updated our Custom Trend Chart and Custom Metric widgets, with support for HSE Events by Custom fields. If you are syncing HSE Events/Observations from a data source that supports custom fields (e.g. Procore), you can now display trends or metrics of those Events/Observations, grouped or filtered by the custom field.


New features

  • API endpoints: We have added new endpoints to our API, with support for reading & writing Progress Claims.

    See our live documentation at for more details.

Improvements and fixes

  • Jobpac updates: We have updated our Jobpac integration, with improvements to syncing Cost and Revenue cashflow forecast data.
    If you are performing these forecasts in Jobpac, we can now bring in this data and integrate it with our Cashflow comparison charts and other cashflow related widgets.

  • We have improved the labels for the Client Variations chart, it now properly displays tooltips, labels, and legends for approved & unapproved variations.


Improvements and fixes

  • Task Progress Chart now has options to 'look ahead' when calculating task completion

RELEASE 2024-46 (Oct 15)


Improvements and fixes

  • Portfolio Custom Tables - Conditional Formatting

    • We’ve resolved several issues with the conditional formatting logic. Now, if you have multiple columns displaying the same data for different time periods or multiple custom formulas with the same column labels, you can configure each column independently without any conflicts.

Program / Schedule

New features

IMPORTANT: Users require the 'Can manually update Key Dates, EOT's and Separable Portions' permission, under the 'Kpi Time' group.

  • Separable Portions (BETA version)

    • We are excited to introduce the concept of Separable Portions in Acuite.

    • A Separable Portion can include any field from our Project Dates model, as well as Program (Schedule) Custom Fields. This means you can incorporate elements like start & finish dates, weather allowances, LD Rates, and more.

    • When enabled, projects can create one or more Separable Portions, complete with names and numbers. Each portion's individual fields can be edited, with values tracked over time.

    • You can display these fields in our Custom Table widget by selecting the 'Time: Separable Portion' data type.

      • For projects with defined Separable Portions, the table will show one row per portion, along with any configured fields.

      • For projects without Separable Portions, the table will display 'overall' figures by pulling values from the project itself.

RELEASE 2024-45 (Oct 4)


Improvements and fixes

  • CSV Exports for Cost data

    • When exporting Cost data to CSV (System settings > CSV Integration), you previously could only export the latest cost records. Now, you have the option to export historical data as well, which will include the latest cost records for each available month for every project.

RELEASE 2024-44 (Oct 2)


New features

  • Copy/Paste widgets

    • This feature will significantly save time for Admin users by allowing them to easily copy widgets from one custom dashboard and paste them into another.

    • You can copy individual widgets through the widget menu while editing a dashboard (see below)

    • You can also copy all widgets on a dashboard using the '...' menu while in edit mode.

    • Widgets can then be pasted onto a dashboard using the '...' menu (see below)

    • Newly pasted widgets will appear at the bottom of the current dashboard.


Improvements and fixes

  • Revenue & Cost Forecasting

    • Current Month Forecasting

      • We’ve introduced an option for 'current month' forecasting for customers who want to utilize it.

      • By default, Cost and Revenue forecasts start from 'next month.' However, with this option enabled, users can now set their cash flow forecasts for the current month.

      • The forecast cost or revenue for the current month can then be optionally displayed on Cashflow Comparison or Forecast Comparison charts.

    • Timing update for changes application

      • In the Revenue Forecast table, adjustments to cash flow values were sometimes applied while you were typing, leading to unexpected recalculations.

      • To improve this, we’ve modified all manual input fields so that changes are applied when the field loses focus (e.g., when you tab away or click outside the field).

Program / Schedule

Improvements and fixes

  • Task Progress Charts

    • We’ve introduced a new configuration option that lets you display the sum of a custom field instead of counting the projects that have completed the selected tasks.

RELEASE 2024-43 (Sep 17)


Improvements and fixes

  • Procore integration

    • Defect/Quality Observations

      • We fixed an issue in our Procore integration that occasionally affected Quality Observations moved to the Procore recycle bin.

  • Portfolio Custom Tables

    • We've enhanced support for conditional formatting. Formatting rules now work more consistently across a broader range of financial and HSE-related fields.

RELEASE 2024-42 (Sep 13)


Improvements and fixes

  • Trend Charts

    • We've improved the functionality of trend charts with multiple series. All data types now fully support displaying multiple series in the charts, if needed.

  • Custom Dashboard PDF Exports: We've fixed an issue that impacted the layout of custom dashboards when exporting to PDF. Previously, some widgets appeared with incorrect sizes, causing gaps and overlaps.

RELEASE 2024-41 (Sep 11)


Improvements and fixes

  • 1Breadcrumb integration

    • Approvals

      • We now sync the Approval Type, which is available as a filter option on all Approval widgets. This enables you to control which types of approvals are displayed in the widgets.

RELEASE 2024-40 (Sep 5)


Improvements and fixes

  • Portfolio Custom Tables

    • Resolved several issues with column filters. Previously, certain combinations of filters and data types could cause errors or fail to apply correctly.

  • Trend Charts

    • Charts displaying simple numeric data now show properly formatted numbers.

    • In multi-series mode, charts will display appropriate default series labels if no custom labels have been set.

  • Widget drilldowns for HSE Events & Audits

    • Now they include links to individual events/audits within Acuite.

  • Public API

    • New endpoints added for syncing Cost Detail data, including:

      • Syncing WBS Segments, Segment Items, and Codes (e.g., Cost Codes, Cost Types)

      • Syncing Cost Detail Snapshots (with multiple fields attached to individual WBS Codes).


Improvements and fixes

  • CHEOPS integration

    • Our new integration with CHEOPS ERP is now available

      • It supports syncing Cost Detail data, including including the full hierarchy of Cost Codes and Cost Types.

RELEASE 2024-39 (Aug 29)


Improvements and fixes

  • PDF Report Service: Overview and Express Reports have been migrated to the new PDF services, replacing the older system.

  • Security: Updated Azure App Service configuration for enhanced security


Improvements and fixes

  • Trend Charts:

    • Multiple data series is now supported to provide more comprehensive insights.

    • Changeable time frame by zooming in/out is now supported to get clearer views.

  • Jobpac Integration:

    • We now support syncing data from additional project date fields:

      • Award Date / Start Period

      • Start Date / Start Period

      • Contractual Completion Date

      • Foracast Completion Date

      • Practical Completion Date

      • Forecast Financial Completion Date

    • We now support syncing data from additional fields against each cost code:

      • Recognised Costs To Date

      • Accruals

RELEASE 2024-38 (Aug 20)


New features

  • Widget Template Library: We’re excited to introduce preconfigured widgets to our Custom Dashboard module, making it easier and faster to build your dashboards.

    Previously, setting up a widget required selecting a basic template and manually configuring it with the right data and options. Now, you can choose from a variety of ready-made widgets with pre-set configurations, allowing you to instantly add them to your dashboard without any extra setup.

    We’re actively expanding our widget template library, so keep an eye out for more updates as we add new options to enhance your dashboard experience.

Improvements and fixes

  • Acuite Public API:

    • New Method: You can now retrieve projects by vendor code (external ID).
      For details, visit Projects_GetByVendorCode.

    • Cost Model Enhancements: We've added two new properties —ProjectActualCostToDate and CurrentMargin — to our Cost model. These changes apply to all Cost methods found at Cost Methods.

  • Portfolio Dashboard: We resolved an issue where the bulk update options were missing if all projects had been approved.

  • 1Breadcrumb: We corrected an issue where attendance/induction data sometimes incorrectly assigned to 'Unknown Company.'


Improvements and fixes

  • Cost Forecasting: We've resolved issues with our advanced forecast entries, such as Lump Sums, where changes were sometimes not saved correctly or could lead to duplicate entries being created.


Improvements and fixes

  • Audits: We fixed an issue where the Responsible Company dropdown wouldn't populate when editing Audits unless the user had elevated permissions

  • Action Plans: Customizable Charts for Action Plans now offer new configuration options, allowing you to control how data is ordered - either by data series name or by count.

RELEASE 2024-37 (Aug 19)


Improvements and fixes

  • We resolved an issue with our Defect Report generator that prevented you from filtering defects by Location.

RELEASE 2024-36 (Aug 16)


Improvements and fixes

  • Jobpac: When syncing Project Details from Jobpac, we now offer a configurable option to automatically record when the previous reporting period was locked. This status will then be displayed on cost dashboards.

  • Custom Dashboards

    • We've updated our Custom Tables at project level - the column headings now properly respect the text alignment options chosen for the column.

    • We've added new display options to our Trend Charts - we now have better support for displaying percentages or regular numbers - not just currency values.

RELEASE 2024-35 (Aug 7)


Improvements and fixes

Procore Integration Update: We’ve enhanced our configuration to support scenarios where you have access to multiple Procore companies and want to sync two or more with Acuite. Now, any settings configured within our System Settings can be applied across multiple Procore companies.

  • You can now sync projects from multiple companies.

  • You can specify HSE Observation and Incident mappings from multiple companies.

  • When syncing projects from Procore, the correct mappings and configurations will be used automatically.

  • Coming soon: Procore Financials data mapping for multiple companies is not yet supported but will be included in a future update.

IMPORTANT: Currently, we support a single Procore connection. Therefore, the Procore user linked to the integration MUST have access to multiple companies to use this feature.

RELEASE 2024-34 (Aug 6)


Improvements and fixes

  • Action Plans: Our Customizable Chart widgets now let you display Action Plan statuses like 'On Time' and 'Overdue' in different ways.

RELEASE 2024-33 (July 31)


Improvements and fixes

  • Portfolio Custom Tables: We fixed a visual issue when customising table column filters - columns on the right side would display the filter dropdown off screen. These dropdowns now automatically adjust position to ensure they are always visible.

  • Custom Dashboards: Dashboards that only contain a single table widget will now expand to fill available space, providing the table content is large enough. This removes gaps at the bottom of the dashboard on large monitors, and on small monitors, may improve scrolling.

  • API: We fixed an error that sometimes occurred when using the Update Company endpoint (PATCH /companies/{id})


Improvements and fixes

  • Cost Detail Tables & Data: We have added detailed change tracking to all of our cost detail tables and data sources.

    • This change tracking will log all changes to the data, including who changed it (if the change was user driven), what changed, and when.

    • This includes changes from integrations such as Procore or Jobpac, as well as manual changes made via Acuite.

    • The types of data that are now tracked include:

      • Cost & Revenue forecasting

      • WIP changes (e.g. Value of Work Completed)

      • Comments added against individual cost codes

    • These detailed logs are not yet visible to end users, but can be accessed by the support team on request. A future update will allow users to view the change history.


New Features

  • Action Plans: We have added a new Lot Conformance Status chart widget, which can track Action Plans and whether they are on time or overdue. You can select a custom field as the 'work started' date as well as configure how many days before it is due.

Improvements and fixes

  • Action Plans

    • Most Action Plan charts now display data in descending order by value

    • Action Plan Due Date is now selectable in custom tables

  • We fixed a visual issue when selecting 'Show More' in some chart widgets which show the top 10 by default.

RELEASE 2024-32 (July 22)


New Features

  • Jobpac Integration: You can now sync all active projects from Jobpac into Acuite, with configuration options around how to determine a project's active status (e.g. from custom fields). We can optionally auto-archive projects in Acuite when they become inactive in Jobpac.


Improvements and fixes

  • Custom Tables: We have added new column alignment options to our Cost Custom tables.

Program / Schedule

Improvements and fixes

  • Oracle P6: We fixed an issue that affected some P6 programs where our custom plan types had been assigned to the same activity more than once.

New features

  • Extensions of Time (EoT): We have added the option to create Categories for your Extension of Time (EoT) statistics. Categories can be created that target either approved EoT's or pending/unapproved EoT's. Each category can have assigned days, which will be included in any totals, and optionally shown in various custom dashboard widgets. Currently, this feature mainly applies to EoTs manually edited in Acuite, with integration support to be added soon.

RELEASE 2024-31 (July 17)


Improvements and fixes

  • Project Details: We have updated our Project Details page, allowing you to lookup map coordinates based on the second line of the project address.


Improvements and fixes

  • Custom Tables: We've added new configuration options to our custom tables targeting cost data. You can now specify fixed column widths, allowing you to align columns across multiple tables on a single dashboard or simply have more control over column widths in general.


Improvements and fixes

  • HSE Notifications: Previously, individuals who were removed from projects or had their permissions updated were still receiving notifications. This has now been fixed.

  • Action Plans (Procore): We updated our Action Plan By Month or Week chart with new configuration options, giving you more control over the time periods you want to display data for.

  • Progress Matrix: We resolved an issue where, in some cases, location plans were not displaying correctly for audits tagged against specific locations.

New features

  • Action Plans (Procore): We've added a new widget called Action Plan Section and Items. This widget displays a searchable list of Action Plans and allows you to drill down to view the sections and items within selected plans.

Program / Schedule

Improvements and fixes

  • Oracle P6 / MS Project Integration: We've enhanced our integration for programs with activities/tasks that have a large number of predecessors. For activities/tasks with more than approximately 100 predecessors, the program will still sync, but some predecessor details may be truncated.

RELEASE 2024-30 (July 10)


Improvements and fixes

  • Cashflow Comparison Widgets:

    • Added a Table view option to our Cashflow Comparison widgets. Users can now choose between displaying data as a chart or a table.

    • In table mode, we show the previous month's cost and/or revenue, the current month, and all forecast entries.


Improvements and fixes

  • Procore Action Plan Widgets: Updated the widgets that indicate overdue items. Users can now customize the number of days before an item becomes due.

  • Hammertech Sync: Resolved issues causing failures with our Hammertech Audit sync jobs. These processes are now functioning smoothly.

RELEASE 2024-29 (July 8)


Improvements and fixes

  • Project-Level Custom Tables Grouping: Enhanced grouping in our project-level custom tables to support Head Contract Variations and Change Reasons.

  • Head Contract Variations Pie Chart: Updated our Head Contract Variations pie chart to allow an additional layer based on Change Reason.

  • Cashflow Updates:

    • Subcontractor Invoices Sync: Now syncing Subcontractor Invoices directly from Procore.

    • Cashflow Comparison Chart Widgets: Updated to use Subcontractor Invoices as a source for cost cashflow data, similar to how Progress Claims are used for revenue cashflow data.

    • Functionality of Invoices and Claims: Both types can be configured by Billing Date, Period Start, or Period End.

    • Date Display Options: Can be shown by 'date claimed' or 'date paid', with adjustments for delayed payment if shown by date paid.

    • Monthly and Cumulative Display: Can target monthly amounts (e.g., Current Payment Due) or cumulative totals (e.g., Total Stored & Completed to Date).

    • Reporting Period Locking: Optionally display claims/invoices that came in after the reporting period was locked.

    • Current Month Display Options: Additional configuration options to display 'actual' cost/revenue or figures based on last month's forecast for the 'current' month.


Improvements and fixes

  • HSE 'Custom Field' Widgets: Enhanced our HSE 'custom field' widgets with improved support for custom fields containing multiple values. Charts based on these fields now count each unique value rather than counting the event/observation directly.

RELEASE 2024-28 (July 1)


Improvements and fixes

  • Project-Level Custom Table Widget Grouping: Added support for grouping in our project-level custom table widgets. Columns can now be marked as available for grouping, allowing users to customize tables and group by one or more columns. Grouped columns support sub-totals when displaying numeric data.\

  • Integration Jobs Fix: Resolved an issue where some integration jobs would get stuck in the 'In Progress' state and not complete.


Improvements and fixes

  • Procore HSE Event/Observation Sync Fix: Fixed an issue with our Procore HSE Event/Observation sync where Incident Date and Reported Date from Procore's Incident tool were mapped incorrectly.

New Features

  • New Procore Action Plan Custom Dashboard Widget: Introduced a new widget for custom dashboards that allows creating charts based on the 'age' since a date-based field in Action Plans.

RELEASE 2024-27 (June 24)


Improvements and fixes

  • Portfolio Custom Dashboard Tables: Made several updates to improve functionality and usability.

  • Column Pinning: Revised how columns can be pinned in tables. Now, entire column groups (containing one or more columns) can be pinned, improving reliability especially with multiple pinned groups or hidden columns.

  • Filter Display in Tables: Active filters applied to individual table columns are now displayed at the top of the table. Users can clear filters individually or all at once from this interface.


Improvements and fixes

  • Financial Integrations: Enhanced various financial integrations. If dashboard locking is enabled and the current month in progress is locked, financial sync will pause until the month ends. This aligns with existing workflows for locking completed months.

  • Jobpac Integration: Updated our Jobpac integration to support their updated authentication system. Both older and newer encryption keys are now compatible.


Improvements and fixes

  • Procore Action Plans:

    • Fixed visual issues related to displaying Action Plans over time (weekly or monthly).

    • Enhanced the Action Plan by location chart to allow selection of how many tiers of locations to include.

    • Added a new widget for Action Plan Lot Conformance Status.

  • 1Breadcrumb Integration: Updated our 1Breadcrumb integration to allow selection of the connected 1BC region (AU, EU, or NA).


Improvements and fixes

  • Custom Tables for RFI Days Overdue: Updated our custom tables displaying RFI days overdue to ensure consistency across different widgets.

RELEASE 2024-26 (June 18)


Improvements and fixes

  • Cashflow Comparison Charts: Corrected an issue in Cashflow Comparison charts where the current month's costs were displayed incorrectly under certain configurations.

  • Procore Cost Sync: Updated our Procore Cost sync to prevent updating the month in progress if that period has been locked in Acuite.


Improvements and fixes

  • Relationship Audit Templates PDF Export: Fixed errors that occurred when exporting Relationship Audit Templates to PDF.

  • Procore Action Plans: Resolved an issue with our Procore integration regarding Action Plans and locations, ensuring proper handling of complex location hierarchies.

Risks & Opportunities (R&O)

  • R&O Custom Tables Enhancement: R&O Custom Tables at the project level now support displaying specific period history. The previous column can be set to show either the previous calendar month or the last month with available data.

RELEASE 2024-25 (June 13)


Improvements and fixes

  • Workbench Integration: Resolved an issue where updates to the previous month were not syncing properly.

  • Custom Portfolio Tables: Corrected an issue where columns based on custom formulas were not displaying grand totals correctly.

RELEASE 2024-24 (June 12)


Improvements and fixes

  • API fix: Resolved an issue where fetching audits containing signatures sometimes generated an error.


Improvements and fixes

  • Cashflow Comparison Chart:

    • New options are available to display a 'Forecast Comparison' for either Cost or Revenue.

    • This chart compares recent cost forecasts to actual costs to date and provides insights into how forecasts compare over the next 6 months.

    • This is useful for evaluating forecast accuracy and observing changes in forecasts.

  • Financial WIP Table Update: Increased flexibility in syncing data from Procore, allowing us to work with different sets of fields.

  • Portfolio Tables Update for Progress Claims: Added options to align progress claims by billing date and calculate/display monthly values based on cumulative totals data.


Improvements and fixes

  • Procore Action Plan Widgets:

    • Some widgets now support limiting the number of records shown (e.g., 'top 10').

    • Some widgets now support displaying data over time (e.g., items per week or month).

    • Fixed an issue affecting charts that supported drilldowns by location.

    • Updated charts targeting Action Plan custom fields with multiple values in Procore to show the first selected value by default.

Program / Schedule

Improvements and fixes

  • Oracle P6 Integration Improvement: Enhanced resilience to handle scenarios where activities lack valid Start or Finish dates, ensuring correct value calculations.

RELEASE 2024-23 (June 4)


Improvements and fixes

  • Merge Companies Improvement: In the 'Merge Companies' feature, company names with multiple spaces will now be highlighted to help spot potential spelling mistakes more easily.

  • Widget Configuration Improvement: When configuring widgets that allow selecting/filtering specific program tasks (e.g., portfolio custom tables or our task progress chart), we enhanced the UI for task selection and filter addition. You can now duplicate filters, making it easier to copy and modify existing filters.

  • Portfolio-Level Custom Tables Enhancement: We improved the filtering experience for date columns in portfolio-level custom tables by properly formatting dates and enabling date searches.


Improvements and fixes

  • Cost and Revenue Forecasting: We refined internal calculations related to cost and revenue forecasting, particularly how 'Balance Remaining' figures are calculated to ensure forecasts reconcile accurately against the cost/revenue to complete.

  • Custom Cost Tables: We fixed an issue in some custom cost tables that affected the display of the count of Head Contract Variations.


Improvements and fixes

  • New Custom Dashboard Widget: We've added a new widget for custom dashboards that displays Action Plans grouped by any custom fields defined in Procore.

RELEASE 2024-22 (May 27)


Improvements and fixes

  • Custom Formulas Fix: We resolved an edge case issue with custom formulas when using the min function.

  • Executive Summaries Date Default: When creating new executive summaries for custom dashboards, the date will now default to the selected reporting period or the end of the date range. If no period or date is selected, today's date will be used.

  • Inline Editing for Project Dates Fix: We fixed an issue with inline editing in our tables when editing project dates for newly created projects that had no existing dates defined.


Improvements and fixes

  • Cost Detail Widgets: We fixed an issue where WBS filters applied to cost detail widgets on custom dashboards were being incorrectly saved to the edited widgets.

  • Cashflow Comparison Chart Configuration: Our Cashflow Comparison Chart widget can now be configured to show either the 'cost to date' amount for the current month or the forecast cost for the month.


Improvements and fixes

  • Procore Sync for Audits and HSE Observations/Incidents: We now sync the item number for Audits and HSE Observations/Incidents from Procore and can display links back to Procore in some tables and drilldowns.

  • Custom Metric Widget for Action Plans: Action Plans can now be selected in our Custom Metric widget, displaying a count of action plans that meet the chosen filters.

RELEASE 2024-21 (May 22)


Improvements and fixes

  • Custom Formulas: We fixed several issues related to custom formulas, particularly in cases where functions were used, but some fields had no data available.

  • Portfolio Custom Tables:

    • CSV Export Enhancement: When exporting tables to CSV, any 'traffic light' conditional formatting applied (where cell data is replaced by a traffic light) will now be represented in the CSV file with text labels 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', or 'green'.

    • Improved Search: Searching for projects by name or number, and searching column filters, will now include spaces and support wildcards using the '*' character.

    • Cell Highlighting: We fixed an issue affecting cell highlighting when editing dates and EOT stats inline in the table. Editable cells will now be properly highlighted.


Improvements and fixes

  • HSE Events by Project: We fixed an issue with the HSE 'Events by Project' chart. When drilling down, you will now see the correct list of people who have logged events.

Program / Schedule

Improvements and fixes

  • Program/Schedule Sync: If a previously synced program from Procore is deleted, it will now be marked as deleted in Acuite.


Improvements and fixes

  • RFI and Correspondence Sync: We now sync the item number for RFIs and other correspondence from Procore and can display links back to Procore for these items in some tables and drilldowns.

RELEASE 2024-20 (May)


Improvements and fixes

  • Custom Formula updates

    • Syntax Update: We’ve updated the syntax for our custom formulas. Referenced fields in formulas are now identified by square brackets, e.g., [Forecast Final Cost] - [Actual Cost to Date].

    • Date Functions: We've added more support for dates in formulas, including new functions like datediff().

    • Error Handling: Formulas with issues will now display #Error instead of causing problems for the entire widget.

  • Portfolio tables: We now support inline editing for project dates and EOT fields.

  • Procore Project Details Sync: We now sync the Signed Contract Received Date from Procore. You can choose not to sync project dates from Procore while still syncing other project details, allowing you to manage project dates directly within Acuite.

  • US Date Format Support: We've added additional support for US date formats on custom dashboards.

  • Word Plugin: We fixed an issue with our Word plugin where dates were sometimes shown in US format despite being configured otherwise.


Improvements and fixes

  • Procore Change Order Reasons: We’ve added new options for managing and applying change order reasons for head contract variations synced from Procore.


Improvements and fixes

  • Procore Actions Plans

    • Searchable Action Plan Lists: You can now search action plan lists by parent location.

    • Stacked Bar Charts: Action plan charts can now display stacked bars based on a second-level category or field.

    • We've tweaked how we retrieve Action Plans and Observations during incremental updates to avoid timing issues that could result in missing data.

  • 1Breadcrumb Integration: Our 1Breadcrumb integration now supports syncing data from multiple sites into a single Acuite project.

  • Aconex Field Sync: Our Aconex field sync now includes images and other attachments for audits/checklists.

  • Audits: Audit templates can now include questions with multiple-choice dropdown answers.

See our help article for more details

RELEASE 2024-19 (May)


Improvements and fixes

  • Head Contract Progress Claims: Changes made in Procore will now sync promptly into Acuite. Previously, these changes sometimes wouldn't appear until the next day.


Improvements and fixes

  • 1Breadcrumb Integration: We can now sync all forms created or entered in 1Breadcrumb, bringing them into Acuite as Audits. This makes them available for display in our full suite of audit widgets and dashboards.

  • HSE Settings: We resolved an issue in our HSE settings related to Actions, Causes, and Contributing Factors. Previously, you couldn't create new items if existing lists were empty.

Release 2024-18 (April)


Improvements and fixes

  • Cashflow Chart Update: We've tweaked our cashflow chart to show claims for the current month when configured to source cost data from progress claims. If no claims exist, it will fall back to the cost forecast for the month.


Improvements and fixes

  • HSE Widgets: We addressed an issue with some HSE widgets on our insights dashboards that were not applying filters correctly.

Program / Schedule

Improvements and fixes

  • Program/Schedule Sync: We resolved an issue that sometimes affected our Procore Program/Schedule sync when tasks had missing start or finish dates.

RELEASE 2024-17 (April)


Improvements and fixes

  • Custom Portfolio Tables: We resolved an issue that sometimes affected the display of R&O details in custom portfolio tables.

  • Dashboard Summaries: We resolved an issue with adding new dashboard summaries for reporting periods outside the current range.


Improvements and fixes

  • Cashflow Chart Update: Our cashflow chart now shows revenue from progress claims for the current month, not just for completed months.

  • Project Actual Cost Calculation: We addressed an issue affecting variation calculations for Project Actual Cost to Date, so cost tables showing this value should no longer display $0.

  • Procore Cost Integration: We fixed an issue when multiple cost code filters were applied to P&G, Trade Letting, or R&O categories. A quirk in the Procore API that sometimes resulted in no data being synced has been resolved.


Improvements and fixes

  • CSV Import for Project Hours: We've added a CSV import option for project hours. You can now upload hours for one or more projects simultaneously via our CSV Integrations page in the System Settings menu.

  • Audit Template Filters: We fixed an issue with audit template filters on some custom metric widgets, ensuring they now apply properly across multiple projects.


Improvements and fixes

  • EOT Calculations: We fixed an issue that occasionally affected EOT calculations from Procore Correspondence.

RELEASE 2024-16 (April)


Improvements and fixes

  • Project Details Configuration: We've introduced new configuration settings for syncing project details with Procore. You can now select which fields to sync, including Name, Number, Address, Custom Fields, and Project Roles.

  • SSO User Tracking: We resolved an issue with user tracking for logins via SSO. These logins will now be properly tracked and included in our usage reports.

  • System Settings Project Types: We fixed an issue on the System Settings Project Types page where an error message was displayed.

  • Portfolio Dashboard Search: We resolved an issue affecting the search function on our portfolio dashboard tables, ensuring it works properly now.

New Features

  • Copy Widgets: When editing custom dashboards, you can now duplicate widgets, allowing you to quickly copy and modify existing widgets without starting from scratch.


Improvements and fixes

  • Financial Cashflow Charts: Our financial cashflow charts now offer the option to source revenue data directly from progress claims.


Improvements and fixes

  • Action Plan Comments: You can now add comments to Procore Action Plans at the project level.

  • Observations Custom Fields Sync: Custom fields added to Observations in Procore will now be synced and available for use in Acuite.


Improvements and fixes

  • EOT Syncing: You can now apply status filters when syncing EOTs from Procore's Correspondence tool, allowing you to exclude drafts when calculating total approved/unapproved days.

RELEASE 2024-15 (April)


Improvements and fixes

  • Cost Forecasting: Previously, when forecasts were set to use Forecast Final Cost instead of the default Cost to Complete, detailed forecast entries like lump sums were incorrectly applied to Cost to Complete.

RELEASE 2024-14 (April)


Improvements and fixes

  • Merging Companies: We've addressed performance issues with the 'merge companies' feature and added a progress bar to keep users informed of the process.

New features

  • Image Gallery: You can now specify a reporting period when uploading images. This lets you associate images with specific periods, ensuring they appear correctly on dashboards when date filters are applied.

RELEASE 2024-13 (April)


Improvements and fixes

  • Architecture & Hosting: We've updated our background processing engine. Integration tasks, such as syncing data with third-party APIs, are now separated from on-demand background tasks like generating PDF reports and updating audit statistics. This ensures that even when the integration engine is busy, users won't experience delays with their PDF reports.

  • Portfolio Custom Tables: We improved how column sorting and filtering settings are saved. By default, these settings are now stored for your current browser session. There's also a new checkbox in the table customization panel where you can choose to have these settings remembered more permanently.


Improvements and fixes

  • Audit Reports: We resolved an issue with combined audit reports where, in rare cases, audit PDFs from the wrong project could end up within the same customer account.

  • Locations: Syncing locations as part of action plans or defect sync from Procore has been fixed.

RELEASE 2024-12 (March)


Improvements and fixes

  • Portfolio Tables: CSV exports from our portfolio tables now respect hidden columns.

  • Custom date fields: It now syncs correctly when importing projects from Procore.

  • Image Gallery: We resolved an issue that was preventing some images from loading in the image carousel widget.

RELEASE 2024-11 (March)


Improvements and fixes

  • Cost Forecasting: We resolved an issue with editing advanced details in our Cost Forecast table, such as lump sums. These details now save correctly as forecasts are updated.

RELEASE 2024-10 (March)


Improvements and fixes

  • Administration: When a company is deleted from our system directory, all associated users are now properly removed. Previously, these users would be left in limbo, unable to access Acuite but still appearing in some user lists and exports.


Improvements and fixes

  • Cost Forecasting: A new entry type called 'Risk' has been added to our Cost Forecast table. This functions like a lump sum, directly adding the amount to the forecast.


Improvements and fixes

  • Action Plans (Procore integration)

    • We resolved an issue affecting the Location filter

    • We’ve added support for drilling down into our Action Plans by Location chart, allowing you to explore the full location hierarchy.

RELEASE 2024-09 (February)


Improvements and fixes

  • Image Gallery: We fixed an issue with image uploads where images downloaded from one project and uploaded to another sometimes failed to upload correctly.

  • Trend Chart widgets: We have been updated with new configuration options, giving you more control over how they respond to selected date ranges. You can now choose to show the latest month, the entire range, overall data from all time, or the last 12 months, among other options.


Improvements and fixes

  • Incidents (Procore): When syncing, we now include the Filing Type property.

Program / Schedule

Improvements and fixes

  • Our Program 'Key Dates' widget has a new field: Critical Path Delay. This calculates the difference between the completion date of the final critical path task and your scheduled completion date.

RELEASE 2024-08 (February)


Improvements and fixes

  • Custom Tables: We fixed a problem where multiple date columns weren't updating correctly when selecting different time periods.


Improvements and fixes

  • Head Contract Variations (Procore): We can now sync and display the Number field.


Improvements and fixes

  • Action Plans (Procore): We’ve resolved an issue affecting the filters.

Program / Schedule

Improvements and fixes

  • We’ve added initial support for updating Extension of Time stats, such as the number of approved days, from the Procore Correspondence tool by referencing fields attached to the Extension of Time correspondence type.

RELEASE 2024-07 (February)


Improvements and fixes

  • Portfolio Custom Tables: We’ve resolved several issues, specifically improving drilldowns for R&O and financial data.

  • Our 'dashboard content' widgets have been upgraded. These widgets can now store content such as links, images, or notes and keep a history of the data, allowing you to track changes month to month. They are now available for all types of custom dashboards.

Program / Schedule

New features

  • We've developed a beta version of a new chart for program data, which can target individual tasks across multiple projects and show counts of how many projects have completed those tasks.


Improvements and fixes

  • Additionally, we’ve optimized our Aconex Mail integration to make fewer API calls, resulting in faster updates and reduced server load.

RELEASE 2024-06 (February)


Improvements and fixes

  • Administration: We've introduced a highly requested feature to our Permissions Manager (in System Settings). When selecting a permissions group, you can now click on the 'Members' tab to see a list of all members in that group.

  • Custom Tables updates:

    • Fixed an issue with portfolio tables where editing the layout sometimes caused columns or groups to duplicate.

    • Resolved a problem with some drilldowns where project names weren't displayed correctly.

    • Addressed an issue with tables showcasing Procore data; links to Procore details are now working again

    • When displaying Head Contract Variations, rows with missing data will now appear at the end of the list.

    • Enhanced support for trend charts within tables for HC Variation data.

    • Fixed issues with several 'content' widgets for custom dashboards. Now, when adding custom content to dashboards, the content will be attached to the reporting period, allowing you to view entries from previous periods.

New features

  • We've also added a beta version of a Vehicle Map widget. This widget shows the latest locations of vehicles in your fleet attached to any project, currently relying on our ERoads integration, with more data sources to be added over time.

RELEASE 2024-05 (February)


Improvements and fixes

  • We resolved an issue that was affecting the ability to lock or approve dashboards for multiple projects simultaneously. This bulk update feature in our portfolio tables is now functioning smoothly.

  • We've made adjustments to our Customizable Chart widgets. When displaying stacked bar charts, the overall total (of all stacks) will now be shown next to each bar.

  • We've added several new data types and columns to our portfolio-level tables. You can now display counts of Action Plans, Defects, RFIs, and other correspondence alongside each project, with the option to apply filters as needed.


Improvements and fixes

  • We resolved an issue with our Cost Forecast widget that occasionally left a few cents unallocated when spreading an amount over multiple months and line items. Now, any remaining amounts that cannot be evenly distributed will be automatically allocated.

  • You can now use filters in our Head Contract Variations tables at the project level, enabling you to display only variations that meet specific criteria. Additionally, you can sort these tables by any visible column.

  • We fixed an issue that occasionally affected our integration with Procore Financials data when WBS segments or codes had lengthy descriptions.


Improvements and fixes

  • We've enhanced our Action Plan sync with Procore. Now, we sync Location data attached to the plans, enabling dashboards and widgets in Acuite to group or filter by these locations, and offering drilldown functionality as well.

RELEASE 2024-04 (January)


Improvements and fixes

  • We fixed an issue with the Export to CSV function on our portfolio tables.

  • We also resolved a bug affecting some of our Trend Chart widgets. Without a date filter, these charts are supposed to fetch data from the last 12 months. However, they occasionally failed to select the correct dates. Now, they consistently pull data from the 12 months prior to today’s date (or the selected end date)

RELEASE 2024-03 (January)


Improvements and fixes

  • We now fetch additional custom fields attached to Correspondence from Procore. For example, if you have Extensions of Time as a Correspondence Type, we can now include data such as the number of approved days. Additionally, we have added more sorting options for listing Correspondence/Mail within Acuite.

RELEASE 2024-02 (January)


Improvements and fixes

  • We fixed an issue affecting our portfolio tables when in 'top 10' mode (e.g. to show the top 10 projects by specific criteria).

RELEASE 2024-01 (January)


Improvements and fixes

  • We've made a few changes to our portfolio custom tables (e.g. tables that list multiple projects):

    • You can now sort and filter nearly all table columns.

    • These features are accessible through the widget menu and 'Customize Table'. You can select any column and adjust the sorting and filtering settings.

    • By default, filtering applies to the raw values of the column. However, you can configure the table to filter based on conditional formatting rules instead. For example, if you have rules that display a green traffic light, you can choose to filter based on that visual indicator rather than the underlying values.

    • We've expanded our support for sparkline charts. You can now insert columns that display charts showing values over the last 12 months for selected Financials and R&O fields.


Improvements and fixes

  • Head Contract Variations tables

    • At the project-level, we've added support for Current (month), Previous (month), and Variation columns, enabling you to track recent changes more effectively.

  • Cost Forecast table

    • We fixed an issue that was affecting the cashflow forecast 'spread' functions.

For previous releases, click here.

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