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Custom Formula Reference

Key rules and functions for Acuite Custom Formulas

Simon Fisher avatar
Written by Simon Fisher
Updated over 9 months ago

Custom Formulas are an ever evolving feature in Acuite. Currently, formulas can only be used in a handful of places - typically in our custom dashboard tables. They are powerful tools to allow you to add custom columns and fields based on your own formulas, however at present they are not user-friendly to work with. The end goal will be to have a formula builder within Acuite, but for now, feel free to get in touch with our support team if you'd like help in making use of this feature.

Custom formulas are defined as a piece of text containing one or more 'tokens'. Each token represents a word, phrase, function or operator. These formulas are designed to mimic what you might see in an Excel formula. Typically some of these tokens will represent fields - these fields are replaced with actual values when the formula is evaluated. Operators and functions can apply special logic to those values.

A simple formula might be something like this:

[Forecast Contract Value] - [Forecast Final Cost]

This will be evaluated with the actual figures for value & cost, to give you a Forecast Margin result.

A more advanced formula could look like this:

datediff([Actual Start Date], today(), "d") / datediff([Actual Start Date], [Forecast Completion Date], "d") * 100

This calculates the number of days elapsed in the project, divided by the total number of days in the project duration, giving you a % Complete by Time result.

Below is a brief reference guide for what is supported by our formula system.


  • Supported operations: + - / *

  • Default order of operations is multiplication/division before addition/subtraction

  • Parentheses can be used to change the order of operation, e.g. (5 + 2) * 3

Dynamic Fields

  • Any text in square brackets [] will be treated as a field name

  • We will look up that field for the chosen data type and insert the value when the formula is evaluated

  • E.g. [Forecast Final Cost] - [Forecast Contract Value]

Dates and Literal Text

  • Any text surrounded by double quotes will first be checked to see if it is a date, and will then be treated as literal text

  • E.g. "17/05/2024" will be treated as a date, and can be used in functions that work with dates

  • E.g. "Consent" will be treated as text

Logic Expressions

  • Supported operations: <, <=, =, !=, >=, >

  • <, <=, >, >= support numbers or dates only

  • =, != support numbers, dates, and text

  • Intended for use with logic functions

Logic Functions

  • IF(expression, value_when_true, value_when_false)

    • If the expression evaluates to true, a non-zero number, or a non-empty string, the output will be the second argument.

    • If the expression evaluates to false, zero, or an empty string, the output will be the third argument.

  • IF0(expression, value_when_zero, value_when_nonzero)

    • Shortcut for IF(expression = 0, value1, value2)

Math Functions

  • abs(value)

    • Outputs the absolute value of a number

    • E.g. abs(-5) = 5

String Functions

  • Start(expression, length)

    • Outputs the first length characters from the expression. Works with any data type.

    • E.g. Start("Text", 3) = Tex

  • End(expression, length)

    • Outputs the last length characters from the expression. Works with any data type.

    • E.g. End("Text", 3) = ext

  • Mid(expression, start, length)

    • Outputs length characters from the expression, starting at start. Indexes start at 1 (e.g. the first character is position 1).

    • E.g. Mid("Text", 2, 2) = ex

Date Functions

  • datediff(startdate, enddate, "part")

    • Calculates the difference between two dates

    • part can be one of:

      • d (calculated in calendar days)

      • w (weeks)

      • m (months)

      • y (years)

    • Currently only complete periods are counted, and the function returns whole numbers

    • E.g. datediff("01/01/2024", "02/01/2024", "d") = 1

  • dateduration(startdate, enddate, "part")

    • Equivalent to datediff() except this count is inclusive of the end date

    • The intention is for task durations where you count from the beginning of the first day to the end of the last day

    • E.g. dateduration("01/01/2024", "02/01/2024", "d") = 2

  • today()

    • Returns today's date

    • Intended to be used in conjunction with other date functions


  • Any expression part can be another expression, allowing you to chain formulas together


  • [Actual Cost to Date] / [Forecast Final Cost] * 100

    • Cost formula: % Complete by Cost

  • If(Mid([Number], 2, 1) = 4, "Boost", "Consent")

    • Project formula: If the 2nd digit of the Project Number is a 4, display Boost otherwise display Consent

  • datediff([Actual Start Date], [Forecast Completion Date], "m")

    • Count the number of months in a project

  • datediff([Actual Start Date], today(), "d")

    • Count the number of days since project start

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