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Product Release Notes Archive - 2023
Product Release Notes Archive - 2023
Simon Fisher avatar
Written by Simon Fisher
Updated over a week ago

Release 2023-48 (November)

  • We've added a number of new features to our Custom Formula engine. You can now use logic expressions (e.g. value > 0) along with the IF logic function (similar to Excel's version). We also have some functions that target text; START, END and MID for working with fragments of text values.

  • We've added a number of configuration options to our Cashflow charts, giving you more flexibility in choosing the fields you want to work with. Depending on the source system, you can work with fields that represent monthly values, or cumulative totals, or a combination of both. You can choose to display revenue forecasts by date claimed or date paid, along with a few other options.

  • When creating new projects directly from Procore, we'll now use the Region field to map to our Locations, with the City field as a fallback. If no Region or City exists in Procore, we'll map to an 'Unknown' location.

  • We fixed a few issues related to custom dashboard widgets which have been linked to other dashboards. Those links will now adjust depending on the current project.

  • We fixed an issue relating to custom formulas which displayed the variation between last month and this month. The formulas will now calculate the correct variation.

Release 2023-47 (November)

  • We have added additional regions to our Aconex integration - you can now connect to Aconex from any of their supported regions (au1, au2, us1 etc)

  • We've made some updates to how our custom dashboards load filter data, which should result in minor performance improvements, especially for customers with a lot of projects and/or custom fields.

  • We fixed an issue affecting some of our 'loading spinners' which in fact did not spin.

  • We've made some additional updates to our portfolio custom tables:

    • We've added experimental support for custom formulas that work with Excel-style column labels. For example you can have a formula which combines data from column "A" and column "B". Provided those columns contain compatible data (e.g. numbers or dates) we can apply the formula and display the result. This is designed to cater for scenarios where the output of a column is not always consistent - e.g. it is a custom formula itself, or there are complex filters attached.

    • We've added support for columns which can target alternative time periods (e.g. '2 months ago')

  • We've made a minor change to emails that get sent by our platform. Previously, if an email was sent to multiple recipients, the email would be sent 'To' one person, whilst the others would be cc'd. We will now send the mail 'To' all recipients.

  • We've improved our Procore project details sync, with better support for PostCode/Zip and State fields.

Release 2023-46 (November)

  • We fixed an issue that affected some of our R&O drilldown options for custom tables, where sparkline charts showing historic data were not rendering correctly.

  • We fixed an issue affecting our financial custom dashboards where the Procore integration was active, and our month-end lock-off workflow was enabled. In some cases, after locking a period, the 'last updated date' field was showing the incorrect date for syncs from Procore.

  • We fixed an issue affecting some of our audits. When creating an audit, selecting a location plan, then placing a marker or shape on that plan, in some cases the audit would end up with duplicate sections and questions.

Release 2023-45 (November)

  • We've updated our custom chart widgets - we can now support charts at portfolio level which display Audit and Quality fields for multiple projects. For example, you can show a count of audits per project.

  • We've made a number of enhancements to our portfolio level custom tables:

    • We've added some new options for project filters. You can now filter on projects where a field 'starts with' a specific value (e.g. Project Number starts with '5'), as well as the reverse ('does not start with'). We've also made it easier to add and remove filter options.

    • We've made some performance improvements to how our tables load and display data. This should provide some minor speed boosts across all portfolio dashboards and tables, especially when filters have been applied.

    • We've added some experimental settings for our extra-large tables, regarding 'infinite scroll' and fetching data in chunks. With these settings enabled, tables showing hundreds of projects and/or a huge number of columns will fetch and display data in batches as you scroll down. Our largest tables can see significant speed improvements. These settings are off by default as we're still evaluating how they perform across all combinations of table sizes and configurations.

  • We fixed a bug that was affecting some of our RFI/Mail widgets - when editing the configuration for those widgets, you were sometimes unable to select the 'Mail Type' filter (it would locked to RFI). This has been resolved, and additional mail types can now be selected.

Release 2023-44 (October)

  • We fixed an issue with our Procore integration - when pushing project details into Procore, in some instances we could inadvertently reset the project 'Type' and 'Stage' properties. This has been resolved.

  • We've added some new columns to our Action Plans table - you can now show the counts of various tasks (open, closed or a combination) to better keep track of the status/progress of the action plan.

Release 2023-43 (October)

  • We've added new options to display head contract variations from Jobpac on our portfolio custom cost tables. You can now drill into the variations for each project.

  • We are now syncing cost & revenue forecast data from Jobpac, and this data is now available for use with our cashflow charts.

  • When syncing program data from Primavera P6, we now bring in extra details on the project baseline such as the baseline name, data date and last updated info. These extra properties are then shown in the header of any program custom dashboard for that project. This allows you to keep track of (potentially) changing baseline details from month to month.

  • We have added partial support for US date formats to our custom tables.

  • Our HSE widgets that display Action Plans now support basic filters by status and other action plan properties.

  • We've added new customisable chart options for HSE injuries by body part and events by work activity.

Release 2023-42 (October)

  • We fixed an issue regarding exporting Cost Forecast data to CSV. In some scenarios, the CSV file was including cashflow figures that were carried over from previous forecasts and should not have been present.

Release 2023-41 (October)

  • We've added a new integration with 1Breadcrumb. This integration is still in the early stages but we can now sync project details, permits, SWMS and site attendance data (check-ins).

Release 2023-40 (October)

  • Our charts that focus on HSE events and Procore custom fields can now be configured to show different chart types, e.g. pie, line, bar, etc.

Release 2023-39 (October)

  • We now sync head contract variations from Jobpac. These can be displayed on our custom cost tables at project level, with optional filters. For example, we can now show a list of all approved variations for a given date.

Release 2023-38 (October)

  • We've made some performance improvements for large portfolio custom tables, especially when showcasing program related columns.

Release 2023-37 (October)

  • We've updated our Procore integration regarding pushing project details - we now support custom fields and project roles.

  • We've updated our CSV integration for importing/exporting Project details - we now support project custom fields.

Release 2023-36 (October)

  • We've added a workaround for a bug with the Aconex API that causes some syncs to fail if they fall on the daylight savings time change for Australia. Now, even if syncs run at 2am on the first Sunday in October (which technically does not exist due to the daylight savings change), they will complete as normal.

  • We fixed some issues when editing the Procore financial integration configuration for new customers

Release 2023-35 (October)

  • We've added a new sync job to our Procore integration - we can now automatically sync active projects from Procore into Acuite. You can also configure these projects to run their own sync jobs to bring in additional data (costs, observations, etc). This allows you to keep your projects automatically in sync between the two systems.

  • We've added a new "Variation tolerance" property to our custom metric and trend chart widgets. This tolerance means that if the variation from last month is below a certain amount, it will not show. This allows you to hide variances of a few cents, for example, from fields that might normally show values in the millions.

  • Our custom chart widgets now support program custom fields - if you've added custom fields to perhaps manually track percent complete or other program related data, we can now graph those values over time and compare multiple fields.

  • We made some updates to our cost forecasting system. If you are forecasting the "Forecast Final Cost" field, we'll recalculate the "Cost to Complete" values for you, and also ensure that these are kept in sync with Procore.

Release 2023-34 (October)

  • We've made a few updates to our custom dashboard Portfolio tables:

    • We now support "Traffic lights" in our conditional formatting system. You can add rules to columns and opt to show a red/orange/green traffic light instead of the normal cell value

    • We've added more complex task filters to our 'program' columns. You can now select tasks based on project custom fields (e.g. if the project is a certain type, choose task #1, otherwise choose task #2)

    • We've enhanced our project filters - you can now build complex sets of filters to choose which projects are included in the table.

Release 2023-33 (September)

  • We fixed an issue with our Smartsheets integration that was causing some syncs to fail.

  • We resolved a few issues with our HSE form configuration, related to action/object causes and contributing factors. These items can now be removed regardless of whether they are active or inactive, and you can optionally map existing data to new items. If items are not remapped, they will continue to display the old selections, even though those items are no longer available for new events/observations.

  • We've added a link back into Procore for HSE Observations and Incidents to select custom dashboard widgets. These links are available in our custom tables, where you can add a new column (Procore Link). They are also visible by default in any drilldowns that are attached to event or observation charts. These links will open up Procore in a new tab and take you to the specific incident or observation.

  • We've made a few enhancements to our portfolio custom tables:

    • We can now support more complex filters targeting which projects to include in the table. For example, we can attach multiple filters which target different fields, including custom fields. We can also perform basic text matching against project names or numbers, for example.

    • We can now support more complex filters when displaying fields from specific tasks (from our program module) in table columns. For example, if a project custom field is set to a specific value, we can display one task. For projects with a different value, we could pick another task. This allows us to combine programs with different structures but still merge and display the details in a single table.

  • We fixed an issue that was affecting some of our cost metrics related to % complete (e.g. % Complete by Cost, % Complete by Commitments). The variation from last month was not being calculated correctly.

  • We fixed an issue with data syncing from our native mobile app. In some edge cases, audits were not coming through into our main app correctly.

  • We've enhanced our Action Plans widget (currently sourced from Procore). If you select an assignee, we'll show you the Action Plan Items and scroll to the appropriate task for that person (e.g. their next task that needs completing).

  • We've updated our Procore financial integration to support multiple head/prime contracts. We'll now combine data from all active contracts when mapping to our general cost fields (e.g. syncing the Revised Contract Amount). We can also include data from all contracts when populating our Revenue Forecasting tool. We'll separate out the contract line items and variation details so that you can forecast all contracts individually.

Release 2023-32 (September)

  • We've made a few updates to our portfolio/regional dashboard table widgets:

    • We've added a new column option for HSE data which can show miniature trend charts of event/observation close-out rates over time against each project.

    • We updated a few of the program task fields, the 'Overdue' and '% Complete' columns now display correctly.

  • We fixed an issue affecting some of our HSE dashboard widgets that target custom fields - they'll no longer duplicate the title field.

  • Signatures that have been attached to audits will now display correctly when the audit is later viewed.

  • Customers who are using our native mobile app to perform audits will no longer be able to select people who have been removed from our directory, when answering questions that let you select a person.

  • When browsing archived projects, we fixed some issues related to HSE data not showing correctly on a number of widgets.

  • We've updated our cashflow charts, allowing them to be more configurable in terms of which fields you wish to use for monthly or cumulative cost and revenue figures.

Release 2023-31 (September)

  • For our HSE event/observation form, any 'actions causing event', 'object causing event' and 'contributing factors' that have been removed from the system will now still be shown when viewing or exporting older events/observations.

  • When using our native mobile app, when selecting a project to submit an inspection for, we will no longer show archived projects in the list.

  • We are now able to display additional fields from specific program tasks in our portfolio custom tables. This allows you to target specific tasks from the program for each project shown, and display start dates, finish dates, and durations.

Release 2023-30 (August)

  • We've added support to sync HSE custom fields from Procore, added support for those custom fields across our HSE suite and added new HSE chart widgets.

  • We've added a new mechanism (Top 10 Summary) for viewing summary information in our portfolio and group level tables (which list multiple projects).

  • We've added a new widget 'Portfolio Custom Chart' for viewing summary data in chart form.

  • Portfolio custom tables

    • We fixed an issue with the variation arrow direction, that wasn't working correctly if you were displaying negative values in brackets.

    • We've fixed some issues related to having multiple columns targeting the same data, but with different filters (e.g. audit data where each column filters by different templates)

  • Cost forecasting updates - we can now target the forecast final cost column, instead of cost to complete. This means that you can override the final cost, and the cost to complete will automatically calculate. If you are syncing these forecasts back into Procore, this does require additional changes to the Procore budget views, so get in touch if you want to learn more.

  • Jobpac integration

    • You can now trigger a manual sync from cost dashboards where Jobpac is enabled (provided you have the appropriate permissions).

    • We now support syncing basic project details

  • Resolved a bug where sometimes the CSV export from Cashflow charts might not include all line items for the selected reporting period

  • Resolved an bug where CSV imports for RFIs would sometimes fail

  • The 'Event By Custom Fields Widget' can now be used on Portfolio level dashboards.

Release 2023-29 (July)

  • We fixed an issue affecting some of our custom tables when configured to show RFI/Mail data. If no date range had been selected, it would sometimes use incorrect dates when calculating overdue statuses.

  • We updated the targets attached to our HSE calculations such as TRIFR, LTIFR, or custom calculations. The targets can now support up to 3 decimal places.

Release 2023-28 (July)

  • We now support syncing Program data from Procore's Schedule tool. It doesn't have all the features that we support if syncing from MS Project or P6 directly (such as plan types or multiple baselines), but the core program data is fully supported by our suite of program dashboards and widgets.

Release 2023-27 (July)

  • We've added a new mechanism for drilling down into information in our portfolio and group level tables (which list multiple projects). This is currently attached to our R&O module, where you can view summary R&O stats in the main table, and then drill down to see the details.

  • We fixed an issue with some Audit Metric widgets, where filters based on template were not being applied correctly, resulting in inaccurate totals.

Release 2023-26 (July)

  • We fixed an issue related to our group level dashboards (e.g. Business Unit), which occurred if multiple groups were defined. Dashboards will now display correctly in that scenario.

  • We fixed an issue with our API that was affecting the 'Get Audit' endpoint. In some cases, audits that made use of specific question types could not be retrieved. This has been resolved.

  • We fixed an issue with our Audit and HSE Observation targets tables. If configured to do so, these tables will now correctly display counts for audits or observations that have no targets assigned.

Release 2023-25 (July)

  • We've upgraded our Action Plans project level table - we've enhanced the columns around progress and hold point assignees. These columns will now show individual stats for each applicable role that has been assigned to tasks (such as Client, Contractor, etc).

Release 2023-24 (July)

  • We've resolved an issue with our PDF exporter that was affecting audits with a large number of images attached. These large PDFs should now export correctly.

Release 2023-23 (July)

  • We've made a few updates to our Cost Forecasting system:

    • We fixed a few issues that were affecting the 'spread' function - you can once again spread your cashflow over a number of months.

    • We've upgraded the CSV export function - it now gives you more flexibility in what you'd like to export (the Forecast view, or the Cashflow view, or both) as well as reflecting any customisations you may have made to the table.

  • We've enhanced our Jobpac financial integration - we now support mapping top level summary fields from the Cost Centre, allowing you to apply filters to extract data such as Risk/Contingency, Trade Letting or P&G totals.

Release 2023-22 (July)

  • We've added a new field to our System Settings -> Companies page - we now show the date and time that a user last logged in to Acuite.

  • We've added the first widget to our dashboards that works with Action Plans (synced from Procore). At project level we can now list all action plans along with key information related to progress, assignees and hold points.

Release 2023-21 (July)

  • We've fixed some issues that were affecting our cost forecasting and other 'cost detail' tables (which show costs at a line item level). When saving changes (such as updated forecasts, or adding comments), some users were receiving error messages. This has been resolved.

Release 2023-20 (June)

  • We've made some further enhancements to the R&O integration with Jobpac - we can now deal with entries that transition from Risks to Opportunities (or the reverse) from month to month.

  • When making changes to your cost forecast within Acuite, we'll now warn you if another user has made changes to that same forecast while you were working.

  • We've made some changes under the hood to how we handle images that you upload to Acuite, whether they are part of an audit or an observation, or just to the image gallery. We now have a separate system to process those images (to create thumbnails, for example). This is a purely technical change - you won't notice much of a difference - but the web app should be a bit snappier now, especially if you're uploading a lot of photos in one go.

Release 2023-19 (June)

  • Our R&O integration with Jobpac now supports historic data - we can bring in your risks and opportunities for previous accounting periods if you enable the integration for an existing project.

  • Some of our custom table widgets support searching (specifically Defects, Audits and HSE Events). You can now configure those tables to turn the search bar on or off.

  • We're hard at work on an integration with Procore's Action Plans module - with the ability to sync that data into Acuite and incorporate it into our dashboards. We don't have anything to show just yet, but watch this space!

  • We fixed a bug with our System Settings / Archived Projects page, where some users were getting errors even when they had valid permissions to use the feature.

Release 2023-18 (June)

  • Jobpac - we've added support for syncing Risks & Opportunities from Jobpac into Acuite. We can now offer R&O reporting from your Jobpac data!

  • Financial integrations - we've done some internal optimisation around how we store detailed financial data (e.g. cost code level details). This improves how we retrieve and store such data, making it easier to source data from our integration partners (e.g. in Procore we might fetch from the Budget tool as well as the Forecasting tool). You may not notice any difference in Acuite, but it's a lot better under the hood.

  • We fixed an issue with one of our charts that displayed the new categories we added for HSE causes (see releasee 2023-16). It now shows the categories correctly when drilling down into the details.

Release 2023-17 (May)

  • We've made a few tweaks to our Cost Forecast module and the integration with Procore:

    • You can now opt to hide the WBS Codes from the table, showing only the line item descriptions

    • When changing the forecast, we'll now keep the Forecast Cost to Complete and Forecast Final Cost values in consistent with other parts of Acuite, even if you don't sync with Procore. This means that the overall totals for Cost to Complete and Final Cost may differ from Procore, until you choose to sync the values.

    • We've improved how we sync data back to Procore - even if you've made changes in Acuite over multiple sessions, or with different filters applied, when you eventually sync back to Procore, we'll make sure that the entire data set is included.

Release 2023-16 (May)

  • HSE Event/Observations - we've made some changes to 3 key properties, 'Action Causing Event, 'Object/Condition Causing Event', and 'Contributing Factors'.

    • We've added the ability to rename these properties, if your wording is perhaps slightly different

    • We've added optional support for categories to these properties. So instead of having a single list of all possible 'actions' that could cause an event, you can now organise them into categories if you wish. These categories (if used) will find their way into any charts or tables where the 3 key properties are used

  • We've updated our Procore integration regarding syncing Observations to our Quality and HSE modules. Previously if an observation had been synced into our Quality module, but the type was later changed in Procore to Safety, we wouldn't always deal with this correctly. We'll now detect that change and classify it accordingly in Acuite.

  • We recently added widgets showcasing targets for Audits and HSE Observations/Events - these tables now have additional columns showcasing the percentages of how you're tracking against those targets.

  • We've added a new configuration option to our trend chart widgets, which can display more verbose text related to time periods and overall totals. E.g. instead of saying "5 of 25 total" it may now say "5 this month of 25 over the last 12 months".

  • We fixed an issue with our 'Common Non Compliant Questions' audit widget where the chart tooltips were sometimes being cut off

Release 2023-15 (May)

  • Fixed an issue with our trend charts, where the chart would sometimes not display correctly if dashboard filters were updated, causing the chart to go from displaying mostly positive values to mostly negative

  • Our Cost Forecasting table no longer shows rows from Procore that are 'unbudgeted' and have no data.

  • HSE Event/Observation notification settings will now be copied correctly when people are assigned to projects via an integration.

  • We've added some additional configuration settings to a number of our custom dashboard charts, allowing you to override the wording used in the tooltips. This is mainly for our HSE charts where we tended to use the word 'events', even if the chart was showing observations, for example.

Release 2023-14 (May)

  • Changes to archived projects

    • We've added a new permission labeled "Can view archived company projects" (Admins will get it by default)

    • Users with this permission can now see all archived projects in the main project selector menu, in a new group at the bottom of the list (underneath any active projects).

    • These projects can be browsed to as normal projects, with some restrictions

    • Archived projects will not be included in any rollup dashboards, even with this new permission

  • When exporting HSE Events to PDF, the filename will now reference the event date, instead of the date that the PDF was generated.

  • For our Audit Targets Table widget, you can apply filters to only show targets for select templates. We now additionally offer the option of displaying all other audits under a 'General' category, with no target details, but allowing you to count and drill into all other audits which have been performed.

  • We now have limited support for multiple groups of 'tier 2' dashboards (e.g. Business Unit, Division, Territory). You can continue to group your projects by location, in addition to showing one or more groups of rollup dashboards.

Release 2023-13 (April)

  • Audit changes

    • We fixed an issue with our audit PDF reports - if you had modified the order of the audit sections in a template, the PDFs could sometimes keep the original order. They'll now use the correct ordering.

    • Relationships audits can now be included in our Audit Export for Excel

    • The Audit Frequency/Targets table widget has had a few tweaks - we can now include audit templates which may have been deleted (but audits have previously been performed). We also now show more constistent statistics between the different versions of the widget, especially if targets have only been assigned to some projects/templates, but not all.

  • Jobpac

    • Our Jobpac integration now supports syncing detailed information from the Cost Centre API, allowing you to sync and report on figures at a cost code level.

    • We'll sync the full Cost Centre heirarchy, allowing you to apply filters to select tables & widgets (look for our WBS Segment filters). We currently sync Cost Code (up to 4 tiers) and Cost Type.

    • We also support performing Cost Forecasting in Acuite, using this data.

  • We've added a new permission Archive/Unarchive projects (available to Admins by default) which allows users to view a list of archived projects, and restore them. This permission now also controls who has the ability to archive projects. You can find this function under the System Settings menu.

  • We fixed a few issues with our multi-series trend charts for RFIs and other mail

  • When using WBS filters on our cost dashboard, we'll now display the segment ID alongside the name, to make it easier to identify the item you're looking for

Release 2023-12 (April)

  • We've updated how our Contact sync from Procore works, it should now be more accurate in detecting when people have been removed from projects in Procore, and (when appropriate) removing access to the same projects for those people in Acuite.

  • We've added support for WBS filters to some of our cost charts, allowing specific charts to show recalculated totals when filtering by WBS segments.

  • We've made a few minor updates to our cost forecasting module. The table is now more configurable, letting you choose the columns you wish to display. We also fixed some bugs related to spreading values across groups of line items.

  • We fixed a bug with some of our audit widgets, where the audit counts shown on project dashboards were sometimes different from the counts shown on group or portfolio dashboards.

  • We've updated the filtering on our comment system. When applying a date filter, you'll still see comments appropriate for that period, but you'll now see all replies made to those comments, regardless of when the replies were made.

Release 2023-11 (March)

  • All custom dashboard filters are now remembered. Previously we would only remember the reporting period or date range filter, when "Remember date filters" was selected. This option is now labelled "Remember filters", and all selected filters will be remembered.

    • These filters will only apply to dashboards that support them - e.g. a Cost filter will only be visible on dashboards with supported cost widgets.

    • The date filters will apply to all dashboards & projects (including at portfolio or project group level).

    • Other filters will only apply to the selected project or group. This is to allow for different projects having different filter options.

  • When exporting audits to PDF, we now have an option to exclude all N/A answers. This is a quick way to focus only on the answers that matter, when generating reports.

  • We enhanced our Jobpac integration - we'll now retry certain API requests if we receive errors, to provide additional resiliency against temporary issues. This should result in the Jobpac integration being more stable, creating fewer alerts.

Release 2023-10 (March)

  • We fixed an issue with the Company Documents feature, where subcontractors who had been given Acuite access could sometimes log in to see an empty document list.

  • On our financial dashboards, you can now add multiple filters for WBS segments (if this has been configured for you). This can allow you to apply more complex filters to our cost detail tables, such as multiple cost codes or cost types.

  • These WBS filters can now optionally apply to selected metric and trend chart widgets. To highlight this with an example, you could have a widget showing Forecast Final Cost, which will recalculate based on the filters you've selected - perhaps showing the final cost for a particular stage, or for a top level cost code . This feature is currently limited to widgets showing values that can be synced from Procore's Budget tool.

  • You can now export a PDF of our audit templates, direct from the templates dashboards. This allows you to see a basic preview of the audit, without needing to complete one.

Release 2023-9 (March)

  • We've made some enhancements to our progress matrix feature.

    • Project Tasks within Project Task Categories should now retain their ordering correctly based on the task number, which can be edited in the UID column of the Tasks & Categories settings table.

    • Quality Audits for Locations with Location Plans can now have their coordinates marked on the Location Plan when selected and viewed in the Progress Matrix. Each audit and location coordinates have 2 way highlighting to assist in identifying what Audit each coordinate belongs to, and vice versa.

    • Quality Audit Location Plan coordinates can now be edited from the Edit Audit view, via the 'Edit Location Plan' button.

Release 2023-8 (March)

  • We've updated the "spread" feature of our cost forecasting module. You can now spread additional amounts on top of your existing forecasts, instead of having to replace what already exists. The intention is to allow you to more easily add adjustments to your forecast instead of having to redo it each month.

  • We've added new "chart height" options to a number of additional widgets, allowing you more control to resize pie charts and other similar widgets.

  • When setting up targets for HSE events/observations, if you're assigning targets to individuals, you'll now see company names and email addresses in the list, to make it easier to find the person you want (especially if you deal with multiple people with the same name).

Release 2023-7 (March)

  • We are experimenting with a new feature for HSE events/incidents, where events can be marked as private. Only users with elevated permissions can view these events, until such time that they can be made 'public' (note that public events are still restricted by our standard HSE permissions and project access). We have limited support for this currently but will be expanding it in the future - get in touch if you'd like to know more.

Release 2023-6 (March)

  • We added support for drilldowns to a number of additional widgets in the HSE and Quality modules. You can now optionally show additional details for events, observations, audits and defects when interacting with our custom dashboard charts.

  • Users now have additional customisation options for our "cost detail" tables (such as the FFC detail table or our cost forecasting module). Users can now hide and resize columns, and adjust the row groups.

Release 2023-5 (February)

  • We fixed an issue that was causing problems with some of our HSE Observation/Event charts.

  • We fixed an issue that sometimes affected exporting multiple dashboards to PDF, where the filenames weren't always matching the dashboards. We also fixed the 'select all' option for this process - it now properly selects all available dashboards.

  • We've added a few new tables to our library of audit/inspection widgets. We can now report on which projects & audits are meeting their targets (if targets have been defined). This includes the ability to drill down to see more information on which audits have been performed, and by whom. You can now also customise the dates that those targets will start applying.

  • We fixed an issue that was causing problems when creating new audit templates.

  • We've started to enhance our custom dashboard Trend Chart widgets, by allowing them to display more than one data series. We've initially built this feature for our RFI/Mail charts, which for example allows you to compare open and closed mail items. We'll be working to expand this to cover other data types.

Release 2023-4 (January)

  • When displaying tasks/activities from your program, you can now optionally exclude those that have been completed (or were completed in previous reporting periods). This allows you to focus on the tasks that are still outstanding.

  • We've started streamlining some of our HSE Event/Observation widgets that have a built in category filter. This filter will now only show you the categories that are in use by the project, instead of the entire list.

Release 2023-3 (January)

  • For custom dashboards at region or portfolio level, we now have custom formula support for program related fields (such as EOT's or custom fields like % complete).

  • Custom dashboard names can now be longer (up to 50 characters) before they'll be truncated when displayed in the main menu.

Release 2023-2 (January)

  • We updated our Procore Cost Sync with regards to the data used by our Revenue Forecasting tool. It's now more accurate when it comes to handling margin that might be attached to variations and progress claims.

  • We fixed a few issues related to reporting periods and locking/approving/finalising dashboards.

  • We've made a few changes related to 'draft' projects (a beta feature we're working on related to forecasts & pipeline projects). Users with appropriate permissions can now promote these projects to 'live' status (perhaps to reflect that the tender has been won and a job number has been assigned).

  • For customers using our custom dashboards feature, our tables listing RFIs/Mail and Defects/Quality Observations are now searchable by additional fields, including dates.

Release 2023-1 (January)

Custom Dashboards:

  • Custom Dashboards at project level can now be attached to a project group (e.g. a location, or a business unit). This means you can have a set of dashboards for all New Zealand projects, and another set of dashboards for Australian projects, for example.

  • We've added widget drilldown functionality to a number of our chart widgets. Most Pie & bar charts can now be configured to show you a list of items when you click on a wedge or bar. We're still working on the ability for you to manage this yourself, but until then, get in touch if you'd like this for your own dashboards.

  • Comments & Actions created against dashboards or widgets can how have responses. These responses allow people to reply to comments or actions, and can be useful to add more context to the original. You can only respond to a comment (you can't reply to a reply, for example), but a comment can have multiple responses.

  • Dashboard Status & Approval: you can now view the dashboard status of your projects on portfolio and group dashboards, giving you a quick summary of your projects, and whether they have been approved or finalised. You can also modify the status as well, allowing you to approve multiple projects at once.

  • We're currently experimenting with additional forecasting abilities when it comes to 'pipeline' projects such as tenders or potential future work. You'll be able to create these projects in Acuite and allocate a forecast for turnover, margin, etc to help project your cashflow forward. This is still early days so let us know if you're interested.

For previous updates, refer to this list.

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