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Licence Setup - Health and Safety Settings
Licence Setup - Health and Safety Settings

Review & Confim HSE Event Settings

David Speight avatar
Written by David Speight
Updated over a week ago

Now we will have a look at the Health and Safety settings.  We've pre-populated some settings for you, so you'll just need to confirm whether you want to make any changes, then the team will be free to start recording events.

Health and Safety Settings

You can customise the health and safety form in the System Settings > Health Safety Form Settings menu

You can run through each of the menus by clicking on the headings.

HSE Categories:
Click on the Categories tab, where you can review the categories and sub-categories that have been set up for you.  Click on the arrows at the right to show the sub-categories.  

If you want to change them, you can delete them by using the trashcan icon.  Click + Add Subcategory to add new.

Actions Causing Event, Objects/Conditions Cause of Event & Contributing Factors:These are lists that will appear in the HSE event form so that people can categorise an event.  You can review these lists and add/delete items as required.  

Event Category Notifications:
Email notifications can be sent out when certain event types are recorded, or if someone wants to receive notification about an event on a particular project.  This is done in the Event Category Notifications tab.  Additional details here.  

Manage Required Fields:  
Change what fields are "required" on the event form (these are the fields that have to be completed before an event can be closed).   Details here.

Further Action Notifications:  
Within the HSE Event form, you can add actions and assign them to people.  These will be emailed out to the person assigned to the action.  You can also set up additional email notifications to be sent to other people (such as a Health and Safety Manager) to be sent any time an action is created, overdue and closed.  This is done within Further Action Notifications.

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