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Health and Safety Email Notifications

How to set up automatic email notifications for new events

David Speight avatar
Written by David Speight
Updated over 10 months ago

When health and safety events of certain categories are added to Acuite, an email alert can be sent out immediately to nominated people in your organisation. eg: you can set up an email notification to be sent to the Health and Safety Manager for event categories of MTI and above. This can be project-specific, or can apply to all projects.

High severity events (eg, high severity near miss, first aid, medical treatment injuries and lost time injuries) are often sent immediately to high level managers in the organisation once they have saved.

This can be set up so that the managers receive events for ALL projects or it can be done at an individual project level. eg, a site manager might be set up to receive an email alert for all near misses and higher severity events on one project only.

Adjusting settings for multiple projects

To set this up go to the System Settings menu, and click on Companies.

You will need to search for the Company & Person that you want to set up notifications for. You should then click 'Edit' for that person, and switch to the 'HSE Event Notifications' tab.

On this tab, the left-hand list represents categories that the person will be notified of, while the right-hand list represents the remaining categories (which will not result in notifications). You can click on any category to move it between the two lists - you can also search the right-hand list if you have a lot of options.

It is important to pay attention to the two 'Notification Options' at the bottom of the panel:

Ticking the first option (Setup notifications ... is added to a new project?) will mean that these settings will be applied to all new projects that this person is attached to. You should not need to adjust the settings for each project, so this option can be a big time saver.

Ticking the second option (Apply these notification settings to projects ... is already on?) will apply these settings to all existing projects. This one is important if you make changes to notification settings and want them to apply to all current projects.

Using these two options in combination can take care of more advanced scenarios, such as having one set of notifications for all current projects, but a different set of notifications for new projects.

Once you are done making changes, click the 'Save' button to finish.

Adjusting settings for a single project

The steps here are mostly the same as above, however you start the process from the Project Settings / Companies page (instead of System Settings). You can then edit the notifications for a single person, for the selected project only.

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