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Documents feature

Use the Documents feature for Sub-Contractor Prequalification

David Speight avatar
Written by David Speight
Updated over a week ago

In Acuite you can upload various documents to show that a company or person has the appropriate documentation/certifications to be allowed onsite.  These pre-qualification documents can be uploaded by someone from the main contractor company or by a sub-contractor.

You can:

  • add a list of documents required by all companies onsite

  • make these specific to projects (eg, JSA's), or upload them at a licence level so they're available for all projects, eg, insurance certificates

  • Upload the documents themselves, so you can view them in Acuite

  • Set expiry dates, and send notifications to people when the doc expires

  • See a list of all documents provided by sub-contractors in the one place - what's been provided, and what hasn't

This is what the Documents dashboard looks like at the licence level.  You can see the documents provided by sub-contractors, and what needs to be reviewed, all in the one place.

Step 1. SET UP THE DOCUMENT TYPES - these are the document types that you want sub-contractor companies to submit

You can set up the document types that you require sub-contractors to submit (these are the document types, on the top row, in the above picture).

  • Go to the System Settings, Document Types menu.  Click Add Document Type

  • Enter details of documents that you would like the sub-contractors to submit - document type name, description, default expiry date

 Add someone to contact when the document expires (eg, for something like an insurance certificate).  

Documents that are added at a licence level are automatically copied to a project.


Some document types will only be needed at the project level, such as SSSP's or JSA's, or documents that are specific to only that project.  

To add a document type to a project, go to the project settings menu and click Document Types.  Add the document type as per the instructions above. 

New document types added at a project level are only available for that project.


Go to the Documents menu

All of the companies will be listed on the left hand side of the page and the documents across the top.

You can sign off and upload documents yourself (as the main contractor) or issue logins to sub-contractors to do it themselves.

To add document details:

  • Hover over the cell and click Add. 

  • Click the Add Document link

  • Fill in the document name, received and expiry date.  Upload a copy of the document.

You will see that the "Status" is Reviewed.  This status is automatically populated if you are from the licence company (eg, the main contractor). 

You can change the status to "For Review" by clicking on the status.

You can also send a message to someone internally (in the licence company) by clicking the Show messages link.

You may wish to do this if a document that needs more detail or requires further attention.

  • Click Show messages

Enter a message recipient (only available to internal users who are set up in the system settings in the licence company)

Then click the Send Messages to Company button.

In the Documents page you can see a summary of documents uploaded for each of the companies.

Document statuses are:

Reviewed = indicates that someone from the licence company has reviewed the document, or uploaded it
Expired = the expiry date has passed
For Review = means the sub-contractor has uploaded the document or someone from the licence company has uploaded it and set to status as "For Review" (so someone else in the licence company can review it)

Now you can review all of the documents required for a project, and see exactly what has been received and signed off, and what hasn't - all in the one place.

Licence-level Documents

If the documents supplied are relevant for all projects (such as insurance documents), you can add these at a licence level.  Go to the portfolio level Documents page and add them using the same process above.

This will show you what documents have been supplied by the company that are relevant for all projects.

Show all sub-contractor documents have been reviewed:

Go to the portfolio view  Documents page.

Scroll across to the right:

Click "Set as Reviewed"

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