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Sub-Contractor Permission Groups

Understanding the Sub-contractor permission group - what can sub-contractors see & do in Acuite?

David Speight avatar
Written by David Speight
Updated over a week ago

When a licence is set up in Acuite, some default permission groups will be added. These can be amended, as required by the licensee.  

Here is a screenshot of the default permissions that can be added (for Sub-contractor-Audits).  Explanations are listed below.  Note, as set up below, this allows a sub-contractor to view quality and HSE audits, but not HSE incidents and defects.

Add defect - a user can create a defect

Can view all Defects for the Project, not just those created by / assigned to the user - a user can view all defects on the project even those created by and assigned to a different sub-contractor (not themselves)

Can access Quality Audits:  A user with this permission can view the Quality Audits dashboard.  

Can access HSE Incidents - if assigned this permission, a user can access all incidents, even ones not created by or assigned to them.

Can Access HSE Audits - can view HSE Audits dashboard.  

Can view and create audits from all audit types in the project
- can view and create all audit types, even if the sub-contractor company has not been given specific access to the audit template in the project-level audit templates menu.

Can view all audits for the project, not just those created by / assigned to the user's company - this gives access for the user to view all audits on the project.   Without this permission the user can only view audits created by their company, along with audits that have questions assigned to their company. 

Only questions that are assigned to the company are visible when viewing or downloading a report for an audit that was not created by the company.

By default, this is not selected.  This means that, without this permission a sub-contractor can only see/create audits that they have been assigned to in the project-level Audit Templates menu).  If a user is assigned this permission, they can see ALL audits, even ones created by the main contractor, not assigned to them.

Can access the data insights dashboards - Without this permission the user cannot access any data insights dashboards for any KPI.  If the user has this permission they can only see the data insights pages for KPI's they have been given access to (eg, KPI HSE, KPI Quality etc).

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