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Managing User Permissions

Setting up / editing user roles and permission group

David Speight avatar
Written by David Speight
Updated over a week ago

In Acuite, users are assigned permission groups, which govern what they are able to see in Acuite, and what functions they are able to perform.

We will assist you to set up these groups at the start, and will then hand over these to the super-user or company admin in your company to manage. When users are set up in Acuite, they will be assigned a 'Role' or permission group.

When we set up the permissions for you, we will need to know what groups you want to have set up, and what broad functions each of the roles will be able to carry out. We will send you a spreadsheet to fill in to identify these roles.

To view/edit permissions, go to System Settings > Permissions.

To add a new permission group, type in the role name and click Create Group.

To view the specific permissions for each of the roles, click on the group name, eg, Project Manager and the permissions related to that role will appear on the right.

To allow someone to perform an action in Acuite, or to view something, click "Allow". eg: to allow the Portfolio Manager role to view portfolio dashboards, select the Portfolio Manager role on the left, click "Allow" next to "View portfolio dashboard" and Save Changes.

Generally, when you don't make a selection (ie, select neither 'Allow' nor 'Deny'), the user will not be able to perform that action or view that part of the system.

In the event that a user is assigned multiple permission groups, this will generally mean that the user has the permissions of both groups.

If you wish to restrict access to a specific feature, you can use deny the permission for that user. Deny will always override any other permissions that user or group may have. Eg: if Joe has been assigned permission group "Project Manager" and "Engineer", and the Project Manager group has permission to see project financials, but the Engineer group doesn't, if the Engineer group has been set up to "deny" access to cost, as below, this will mean that Joe doesn't have access to the cost dashboards.

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