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How to add locations and drawings for logging defects directly in Acuite
How to add locations and drawings for logging defects directly in Acuite

Load locations, sub-locations and drawings

David Speight avatar
Written by David Speight
Updated over 5 years ago

If you are going to add defects into Acuite, you will need to make sure the site locations and some drawings have been added.  

If your company is logging defects in a separate system and pushing them into Acuite via an integration, you won't need to do this because the locations will be pushed into Acuite automatically.

Adding locations and drawings (if you are entering defects directly into Acuite):

It is recommended that you don't add every project drawing, as this can be time consuming to set up and also when searching for locations to add defects to. We recommend that you add some basic locations and drawings such as floor plans, elevations and reflected ceiling plans.


It can be helpful to set up the locations right before you intend to start logging defects, so that you are using the final version of a drawing to pin defects to. It is possible to update drawings later, but any defects added to early drawings will not be 'pinned' to the new, revised drawing. Note: defects added to earlier drawings will not be deleted, they will still appear on the quality dashboard.

① To set up the locations, go to the Project Settings menu and click location plans.

② Click on the Add New Location button on the right hand side.

③ Type the location name into the box and press enter. Examples: first floor, second floor, lift 1, lift 2, basement, north elevation etc.

④ Once you have pressed enter, some icons will appear to the right of the location name. Click on the first icon (see red circle) to upload the drawing.

NOTE: Adding drawings to locations is not compulsory. When you are adding defects, the first step is to select a location of the defect on the drawing. If you haven't added a drawing, this step will be skipped and you will continue onto the next step: adding the defect details.

⑤ Upload a drawing by clicking on the browse for file button.

⑥ Upload the drawing and press Save. Press the Close button.

⑦ If you want to add sub-locations, click on the Add New Location button on the right hand side of the location. (See red circle below). Type in the new location name into the text box (circled in red below).

⑧ Continue to add locations, sub-locations and associated drawings by clicking the Add New Location button (for locations) or the Add New Location icon (for sub-locations).

Things to Note:

* Click on the pencil icon to edit the location name.

* Use the cross icon to move the locations around in the heirarchy so they appear in a different order.

* Click on the down arrow on the far right hand side to expand the location (to see sub-locations).

How to update a location with a revised drawing:

① Click on the location plan icon. The "1" to the left of the location plan icon indicates that there is one drawing attached to the location.

② Click on the Upload New button.

③ At this point a warning notice will appear, indicating that any existing defects will be deleted from the drawing, but will remain in the defects list on the quality dashboard. Click on the Browse for File button, select the new drawing and press Save and Close.

Upload locations via CSV

You can upload multiple locations quickly via CSV.  You'll need to download the CSV template using the More Actions, Dowload CSV button. This will download a CSV file, into which you'll enter your location details.

This is the format for adding locations:

The top level location goes in column A, the next sub-location goes in column B and so on.  If you've already manually set up locations in another project you could download the CSV and use it as a template. 

Once you've finished, click on More Actions, Upload CSV.

The locations and sub-locations should have been added in bulk. 

If you have any questions, please get in touch by clicking the chat button.

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