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Update Competencies for People
Update Competencies for People

Upload Competencies, add notifications of competency expiry

David Speight avatar
Written by David Speight
Updated over a week ago

The quickest way to record someones' competencies onsite is to for them to upload competencies against their profile.  You can do this by clicking the profile button on the top right hand corner.

Click on the Profile button, and then on the Competency Details tab.

**Note:  the Competency feature needs to be turned on for your licence.  If you don't see the Competency Details option here, it means the feature hasn't been activated.  Please contact us if you'd like it to be turned on.

Click on the Competency Requirements drop-down box.

Search for the competency you want to add.

Select from the list or add a new option, if it doesn't exist.

Add the qualification details into the boxes and click the Save Changes button.

Supporting images and documents can be uploaded as required.

Expiry dates can be added.  When a qualification has expired, the user that has been designated as "Office Admin" (in system settings, companies page) will receive a notification.  They'll also receive a notification when a someone's competency information has been added.  

You can add additional competencies or qualifications by clicking the Add Competency Details link.

If you want to upload competencies for people who aren't Acuite users, you can do this within the System Settings > Companies or Project Settings > Companies menu.

Go to the relevant company and click on the arrow on the right to see the people.  

Click on Edit, to view the person's details.

Go to the Competency Details tab and click Add Competency Details, as above.

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