Risks & Opportunities can be uploaded into the Acuite dashboard through an integration with MS Excel, using the Acuite plug-in installed in Excel.
Acuite MS Excel Plugin Installation
First, check if the Acuite menu is available in MS Excel.
If you don’t see it, you’ll need to install an add-in on your computer. If you're using a terminal server environment, please contact your IT support to handle the installation.
Connecting to Acuite
After installing the add-in, you should see an Acuite menu in the toolbar. Click on this menu and select "Connect to Acuite". You'll then need to enter your Acuite username and password to log in.
Once connected, you will see the Acuite menu displayed as per below.
Clicking the Risks & Opportunities button will open a task pane on the right side of Excel.
Note: If you are using the standard Risk & Opportunity register, you won't need to adjust the configuration (via the 'Edit Configuration' button), which controls which fields appear in each column. This option is available if you need to customize the fields for a specific project.
Syncing Risks
Choose the type of data that you want to sync (in this case 'Risk')
Then, select the Project Name
Choose an 'As at' date.
Note: The 'as at' date refers to a specific point in time for which data or information is being reported or recorded. Typicall, this should be the current date (as in 'today'). Nevertheless, you can backdate risks if required.
Once finished, click ‘Sync Now’.
The Risks will be sent to Acuite, and you will see a confirmation message, such as 'Sync successful.'
You will see the number of records updated, along with details of any records that haven’t been sent and any errors encountered.
Syncing Opportunities
The process is similar to syncing Risks. However, it is important to note that:
The visible worksheet will be synced, so make sure you're on the Opportunities worksheet.
We will sync the data type (Risks or Opportunities) that you’ve selected in the panel on the right.
As a result, you might accidentally sync Risks as Opportunities if you're on the wrong worksheet. If this occurs, you can simply perform the sync again.