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Dashboard Approval Workflow

Guidance on how to Lock, Approve & Finalise Dashboards

Written by Hayley Bullman
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Month-end Lock Off and Point-in-Time Reporting

  • Month-end Lock Off: This feature ensures that your financial data is secure and unalterable at the close of each month. It helps maintain data integrity and provides a reliable reference point for financial analysis and audits.

  • Point-in-Time Reporting: Capture key financial moments by freezing your data at specific points in time. This allows you to compare financials across different periods and understand how your business performance evolves.

Things to Consider

  • This feature must be enabled from the License Settings

  • Permissions for each step must be granted to the user

  • Ensure the correct reporting period is applied

Actioning Dashboard Approvals

  1. From the Project Dashboard or any Financial Dashboard Select "More Actions" and "Edit Project Dashboard Approval"

  2. A window will appear allowing you to complete these actions dependent on your permissions within Acuite.

    Locking - This function only relates to financials and this action may not be required depending on the ERP system Acuite is integrated to (i.e. Jobpac will auto lock when the period is rolled over, Procore is extremely important to ensure the project is locked in Acuite).

    Approving - If enabled and the user has the correct permissions this can be completed by selecting the unhighlighted buttons for the relevant tool or can be complete for all by select "Approve All".

    Finalising - If enabled and the user has the correct permissions this can be completed by selecting the unhighlighted buttons for the relevant tool or can be complete for all by select "Finalise All".

  3. Once the above is complete select save.

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