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Merge duplicate companies

How to delete duplicate contacts

David Speight avatar
Written by David Speight
Updated over a week ago

Occasionally, where there are multiple integrations pulling data into Acuite, there may be duplicate companies being imported into Acuite, in different formats, eg:

Having duplicate company names in Acuite may mean that any insights are diluted, because they will be split between the companies, rather than combined.

Acuite has a way of merging these company names.  Once this has been done once, the companies will continue to be merged in Acuite, when new data is imported each time from the source system.

Go to the licence level:  System Settings, Companies page.  Click the Merge Companies button.

  • Search for the company name that you want to keep as the primary company, and select from the list.

  • Pick the company to merge into the primary.

  • Click the "Add company to merge" button to continue to add other company names.

  • Continue to add company names, and then click the Merge button.

When you search for the company name, you'll see that the duplicates have been combined.

Any records attached to these company names (eg, defects, RFI's, contacts etc) will have been combined.

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